Bridget Cates

Bridget Cates's Fundraiser

We can Help Unleash the Love This Summer and Help Shelter Pets image

We can Help Unleash the Love This Summer and Help Shelter Pets

Join me and help make a difference. Funds To The Rescue - please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$0 towards $1,000

In honor of my approaching "Dirty Thirty" and graduation from college, I want to do something different. In lieu of gifts, I ask everyone to donate to my own personal fundraiser for Gulf Coast Humane Society!

Join me in supporting real change. Let's support good in the world and make a difference. Help Us Keep Our Shelter Pets Healthy, Happy and Ready for Their Forever Home for the Gulf Coast Humane Society.

Just a small donation will go a long way to help me meet my goal for the Gulf Coast Humane Society